On the Blessings of Daughters

It was not my fate to have a daughter, but apparently Timothy Dalrymple did.
Your daughter is waiting for you. She will expand and soften your heart. She will make you a better man. A daughter too is a blessing beyond measure. Give yourself to this, and she will make you into a protector and provider.... I have never recovered. After years of scarcely feeling anything, suddenly I found myself broken by grace, shattered with gratitude into a thousand happy pieces....

Every man should have a daughter, if only for his own sanctification. If a daughter comes your way, know the truth that she will love you with all her heart if you let her. Cherish her, and she will be a daddy’s girl. Love her, and your heart will expand to encompass the immensity of her soul. Sacrifice yourself for her, and soon you will discover that you will do just about anything to make her happy.


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Please note. This should read "Timothy Dalrymple", not Theodore.

  2. Fixed. Too bad: I had been happy for old Theodore, who is usually so dire about the future. Maybe what he needs is a daughter!
