A draft? Really?

I've discussed this sort of crap previously. As I noted here, Do your duty. 


  1. This is a wonderful article. 'The volunteer military is too expensive because we pay soldiers too much. If we forced people to work for us while they're young enough to lack dependents, we could pay them a lot less. Also, we could make them work ten extra years before we allow them to retire.'

    Yeah, and we could repeal the 13th Amendment and save tons of money on farm hands.

  2. Eric Blair8:55 PM

    I wasn't even going to get into that, but yeah. Mr Ricks is a serious tool.

  3. raven1:38 AM

    We have a great military. Now if we could only figure out who the enemy is.

  4. Now if we could only figure out who the enemy is.

    But then we might find out our military is structured wrongly, and that our defense and foreign policies are ineffective.

    Better to keep spending money on what we already know, even if what we know ain't so. Or to not spend on defense at all....

    Eric Hines

  5. Forget a draft, instead allow only Military service veterans and/or landowners/taxpayers to vote...

  6. You can't do that without turning military service into a right -- which has the negative consequence that you have to then provide every idiot who wants a billet with a bunk and a rifle. Some of them we're better off without.

  7. "You can't do that without turning military service into a right -- which has the negative consequence that you have to then provide every idiot who wants a billet with a bunk and a rifle. "

    Yup. A decade or two ago I'd have thought that stretching the definition of a right to the extent it's been distended, not plausible. Certainly not to the extent that we now know anything and everything desirable is a right. Usually without any accompanying responsibility.
