Chivalry in Action

Here is an interesting fact: out of those killed in the recent mass shooting, fully a third were men who had thrown themselves on top of their girlfriends to protect them. Two of these were US Navy sailors.

Another man was shot doing the same thing, but did not die. All of these men have the honor of the Hall, and deserve both our praise and acclaim. They chose a most honorable path.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Fully agree. Here here!

  2. What better way could there be to die? I grieve for them, so young, of course.

  3. No greater love...

  4. Now that is heroic...

  5. And to think that such voluntary protection of the weak(er) by the strong is mocked and derided in certain circles...


    While I would never expect a man to give his life to protect me simply because I'm a woman (or for any reason, really), I never cease to marvel at what, when you come right down to it, is not a particularly natural reaction.

  6. I used to think it was -- natural, I mean. Until I was nearly thirty, I believed that men protected women by nature; and then I went to China, and I learned that it wasn't human nature at all.

    That was the beginning of my intense interest in understanding where this incredibly valuable virtue came from, and how it is nurtured and sustained.

  7. Their names:

    Matt McQuinn, 27
    Jonathan Blunk, 26
    Alex Teves, 24

  8. You wonder if they, having grown up in a post 9-11 America, have thought about this more than a few times- One was quoted as having said that if he were to die, he wanted to die a hero. He certainly did that. I think this generation, growing up in an America where we do imagine there could be a terrorist attack have ingrained themselves with the motivation to act and not simply cower. That would be a benefit to us as a society, to be sure.

  9. tyree9:24 AM

    All of these men have the honor of the Hall, and deserve both our praise and acclaim. They chose a most honorable path.


  10. Apparently the death toll for men shielding their girlfriends is now four. In addition to the ones named above, US Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class John Larimer died. He was 26. I will adjust the post accordingly.
