Wisconsin blowout

Wisconsin voters spanked big labor today in its efforts to oust Governor Scott Walker and his lieutenant.  In the 2010 race between the same candidates, Walker beat Barrett by 5%.  Tonight, according to both Fox and MSNBC, the advantage looks to be about 20%, though the L.A. Times is still predicting a "photo finish."


  1. It's good for the people of Wisconsin that they've stood the full-court-press and kept their sanity. That's a good sign for all of us, really.

    Now if we can just make good arguments that convince the American people of the need to make cuts, maybe we'll find that the people have the same kind of readiness to stand up to pressure.

  2. LAT's gonna need a wide angle lens for the Wi. recall photo...

    And what Grim said.

  3. LAT's gonna need a wide angle lens for the Wi. recall photo...

    Well, the LAT article was not updated, and its time of release was 1604--hours before the polls had closed. I don't know what their update policy is.

    Fox News is reporting, at 2249 EDT, a 9 point margin with 88% reporting.

    It's good to see the public service unions fail so miserably after their despicable, disgusting behavior a bit over a year ago in WI.

    Eric Hines

  4. 1604 PDT, EDT, ZULU?

    Please pardon my laziness for not checking on that myself, but l'm catching up on a Tom Clancy tale, briefly interrupted by a quick scan of the web via this new-fangled android thingy & Opera.

    Old dogs, new tricks, etc...

  5. Never mind. The time-stamp question was only my idle curiosity WRT the accuracy of our soothsaying professional subset of the Fourth Esta... Fifth Column.

    The recall failed. Father, the sleeper has awakened.

  6. In Wisconsin, anything over 5 points is a 'landslide.'

    Heh. Walker got 7.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wow, even here in basket-case California, San Jose and San Diego both approved measures for pension reform! Perhaps there is hope for California yet, but I'm not holding my breath.

  9. San Jose and San Diego were, at least when I lived on the left coast in the late 60's, well represented by the upper-middle class types with a military/vet/patriot component in Sandy Eggo, i.e. producers, aka taxpayers.

    If California enacts some variation on the voter ID legislation currently passing Constitutional muster in states like, well, Georgia for instance, there may be a slim chance that the net contributors will regain some influence if not control over their elected representative spendthrifts.

    By then I suspect pigs will be flying.
