
I survived the wedding festivities and have only to show you all now how lovely my young niece was.  My niece the doktah.  She's a tiny thing, barely over five feet tall.  She had not one single bridezilla moment, but took everything completely in stride, with that 1,000-watt smile going the whole time.  There was a terrific Irish band and lots of singing and dancing of jigs.

My sister lost (!!) the first ribbon I crocheted for the bride's bouquet, but I made another and brought it with me. The lost one resurfaced today. I figure now my niece has two, which is a good start on a christening outfit.
Killer shoes on the bride:

Oh, yes, I guess there was a groom, too.  That's him on the right, his older brother on the left, and my father's longtime physics colleague between them.  The groom's family were as charming a group of Irishmen as you'd ever hope to meet, and very fine dancers and toast-givers.


  1. Congratulations to the young man, who seems to have been fortunate. I trust you did them due honor at the reception.

  2. Congratulations all around. The groom is a lucky man.

    It occurs to me that, with two crocheted ribbons (very nice job on those), maybe the bride has a start with two cuffs on her groom's fancy shirt. Or maybe a couple of proper cravats.

    Eric Hines

  3. Congratulations and Best Wishes as they start their new life together!

  4. Best wishes for the young couple!

  5. Congratulations to her, and to you too!

  6. xenophon3:15 AM

    Cheers to a long and happy life.

  7. Absolutely beautiful!!!
    Nice ribbon!
    Congrats to all!
