Restoring Faith in Government

So we're all excited to learn that the Justice Department has appointed two investigators to look into the rampant leaks, sometimes derailing critical Top Secret programs, that have recently emerged in a series of articles highly favorable to the Obama administration.  However...

Well, look on the bright side.  Only one of them has heavily donated to both the Senate and Presidential campaigns of President Obama; while holding an office to which he was appointed by President Obama; in order to take a position for which he will doubtless be paid a fine honorarium by the Justice Department that serves President Obama.

The other guy is just in the pay of the administration.  Otherwise, he appears to be independent.  Since the Justice Department is theoretically autonomous to a certain degree -- if Eric Holder can be relied upon in this regard -- there should be nothing to worry about.


  1. "Since the Justice Department is theoretically autonomous to a certain degree -- if Eric Holder can be relied upon in this regard -- there should be nothing to worry about. "

    Before I'd buy that, I'd be more inclined to buy a beach-front timeshare in Jackson Hole Wyoming.

    Added bonus is the jackalopes are open season, year round, in Jackson Hole.

  2. Count me in. I hear jackalopes are good eating.

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Jackalope is quite flavorful, especially when you roast a snipe inside (layer sage or chestnut stuffing inside the snipe and between the snipe and the jackalope). It's a bit like a turducken but for smaller appetites.


  4. "These two highly-respected and experienced prosecutors will be directing separate investigations currently being conducted by the FBI," Holder said in a statement.

    Come, come. Surely there can be no higher endorsement, no better reference, than from the Attorney General of the United States. If you don't believe him, just ask him.

    Eric Hines

  5. MikeD8:47 AM

    I'm really beginning to think you should install a spittoon in this place.

  6. "I'm really beginning to think you should install a spittoon in this place."

    There's not one!?

    *the hun hobbles off to grab the wet/dry vac afore Walkin' Boss notices*
