If you thought smokers have it bad....

Wait till the government thinks you're fat, too.


  1. Again with the gub'ment weenies obsessing over BMI...

    6'4" @205lbs puts me on the threshold of overweight with no regard for muscle versus fat, or a fat head, or age, or even big feet!

    Do the Federales expect everyone to look like a Feed the Children infomercial extra? Pttttttpppppt!

    If the Federales want my mass,   !

  2. MikeD8:25 AM

    They can have my bacon when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.

  3. For me, it's time for a Triple Whopper with cheese, an extra large fry and two of the non-diet largest sodas in the house. And then a large, healthful, organically grown salad.

    Because the best response to a control freak is to respond randomly.

    A guy I worked with some years ago told me about an Army buddy of his who kept failing his Army fat-boy tests--he couldn't do the pushups. Finally, he brought a couple of cinder blocks with him and did the pushups with his hands on the blocks. He was a weight-lifter, and his chest girth wouldn't let him dip deeply enough to suit the Army on a pushup; the ground kept blocking his chest from dipping very far.

    Eric Hines

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    My BMI is 27.4 because I lift weights and have a very high percentage of muscle. I'd need to lose over 20 pounds to reach the upper limit of "healthy/normal" according to BMI numbers. Since I'm lean enough that you can see my ribs pretty clearly, that ain't gonna happen! Pass the mashed potatoes and buttered cornbread, please.


  5. Oh, I'll not argue that I'm fat. I just see how it's anyone else's business what I put in my body. Last time I checked, I'm not someone else's property.

  6. William4:10 PM

    The local city back home requires new employees to sign a contract, as part of their employment, stating that they do not now and will not smoke as long as they are employed by the city and/or are covered by the city insurance policy.... I'm wondering if this could be done with overeating....?

    William sends.

  7. Absolutely it can be. In fact, HHS can require your company to institute such a policy. "All insurance coverage offered by employers will require maintenance of a BMI lower than the 'overweight' range as a condition of continued employment."

    This was a joke when they did it -- to casino waitresses -- in Oceans 13. It's no joke now.

  8. Eric Blair8:30 PM

    Police state, anybody?

  9. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Of course this has nothing to do with anything that is in the scope of that pesky Constitution...

    Under the current healthcare law, Medicare and most private insurers would be required to cover the entire cost of weight-loss services that meet or exceed the task force's standards.

    I assume this is referring to a future Obamacare mandate - I've got great health insurance now and this sort of thing isn't covered.

  10. MikeD8:47 AM

    That which is not forbidden is compulsory.

    Just wait, they're required to cover it for now... but when it gets too expensive, Weight loss will become mandatory. To me, this is the worst form of tyranny. It is slavery. To rule that you have the power to compel any other person to eat or not eat in a manner of YOUR choosing makes their very lives dependent upon you. You OWN that person.

  11. To rule that you have the power to compel any other person to eat or not eat....

    And yet this is the stuff of the Individual Mandate. Which has already lead one judge to rule our private thoughts are subject to government regulation--see Mead v Holder

    Eric Hines
