Holder held in contempt

Well, we knew that already.  But now he's been held in criminal contempt by a formal vote of the House of Representatives, on a 255-67 vote.


  1. Now he's on TV pitching Nancy Pelosi's theory, that we're all after him because we hate him for refusing to let Republicans suppress the vote.

    Is there a stronger word than contempt that I can use here?

  2. A large number of Democrats...walked off the House floor in protest and refused to participate in the vote.

    Another Democratic Party naked attack on the fabric of democracy. This is loudly reminiscent of the Wisconsin and Indiana Democrats' attacks on democracy when they walked out; fortunately not as effective in preventing government from actually conducting the people's business.

    Scurrilous behavior, and worthy of the deepest scorn, not only of Holder, but also of the cowardly and dishonest Democrats who ran out of the House of Representatives rather than do their duty.

    Can an AG be impeached after he's left office? Nah. Probably not. Probably shouldn't be able to be, either.

    Eric Hines

  3. "Is there a stronger word than contempt that I can use here?"

    As an Honorary Toastmaster with a Dept. of the USN Verbally Capable of Roasting Delicate Sensibilities If Spun Up Cluster, I could offer a page or two for your viewing pleasure, but I promised Walkin' Boss when our first young'un came along that I'd clean up my dialect.

    In addition, you and several guests at The Hall are ladies, so the ghost of me Irish mum would haint me for for quite a spell, if I were to let loose...

    All in all, holding the contemptuous in contempt sounds as if the cosmos might have shifted a wee bit towards a more perfect alignment.

    "Scurrilous behavior, and worthy of the deepest scorn, not only of Holder, but also of the cowardly and dishonest Democrats who ran out of the House of Representatives rather than do their duty."

    Following the pre-POTUS legislative example set by Dear Leader, the Congressional Bigoted Caucus simply voted [not]Present.

  4. Commenter on NPR was asserting that the Republicans are crazy to be talking about this because they should be talking about the economy nonstop. Typical plausible sounding but dead wrong analysis. He's reaching.

    I think "Eric Holder is a criminal, BTW" works fine a s a secondary focus, thanks.

  5. Commenter on NPR was asserting that the Republicans are crazy to be talking about this because they should be talking about the economy nonstop. Typical plausible sounding but dead wrong analysis. He's reaching.

    I think "Eric Holder is a criminal, BTW" works fine a s a secondary focus, thanks.

  6. Issa had some documents that were court sealed put into the congressional record- he can do this under a protection of speech on the legislative floor apparently- and the documents are quite incriminating- They apparently discuss how the intent of Fast and Furious was to track guns by finding them at crime scenes...
