There's No Duck, Though....

You may remember this clever political theory from 2008.
I presented to an anxiously waiting world a Meta Theory of Recent Presidential Elections, encapsulated by the idea that “Bugs Bunny always beats Daffy Duck.”... 
The Bugs-Daffy frame is another way of saying that ever since the dawn of television put the public personalities of candidates front and center, the one who is more comfortable in his or her own skin always prevails against the more uptight, rigid foe.
The model has a lot to offer, when you have candidates who basically fit the models.  Romney, whatever else he is, is not much like Daffy Duck.

No, I think another rule of Warner Brothers applies to this race:  "The Turtle Always Wins."


  1. Straying off topic. I hope I can be forgiven for attempting to tie this news in via a What's up Doc.

    Always comfortable in his own skin... R.I.P. Doc.

  2. It's not off topic, if it's a topic of importance to a companion of the Hall.

    I'm sorry to hear of his passing. We were blessed to know him.
