The perils of brunch

"No, I don't want a bloody mary with pickled brussels sprouts and beets.  I'm not interested in octopus salad with pearl onions.  I'm a prey animal.  I just want to freeze."


  1. I was expecting the deer to decide to hop about the time he got his arms wrapped around it. It's amazing to see deer leap across the road -- I wouldn't want to be holding on to one, even a young one, who decided to go at it. Come see the flying deputy!

  2. Yes, I was relieved to see the deputy get out of this without injury.

  3. Me too. Bless his heart, though.

  4. Turning the lights off may have worked better

  5. DL Sly9:49 AM

    I guess it's the Dark side in me that kept expecting the trooper to get kicked in the good deed being unpunished and all, yanno.

  6. Gotta agree with AVI.

    Danged how deer will freeze when in the beams of a bright light like a headlight. Unless, you're doing the high speed boogie on a two lane road with shoulders that have a steep fall off of 5' or more. In those cases the deer will, as often as not, stare at the oncoming headlights until you're right on em, then they will make a break for the other side of the road.

    One dark Maryland evening, about 30 years ago, I bagged a big ole boy with a Ford LTD station wagon. Strange sensation hitting a 150 pound creature coming out of the dark from nowhere...

  7. DL Sly4:21 PM

    Aye, bt, I had a mama deer commit suicide under the front tire of my little pick'em'up truck in Montana. No other verb could possibly describe her standing on the shoulder of the other side of the road and as soon as I came upon her she made a mad dash, with her head ducked down below her shoulders, for my side.....her fawn was on the same side of the road as she was at the time, so it didn't seem likely she was trying to get to it. And, as I was doing about 95 at the time (I so miss those unlimited speed highways), stopping, swerving or any reaction other than a straight path would have most certainly deprived y'all of my less-than-lucid company -- reprobate that I may be.

  8. "(I so miss those unlimited speed highways)"

    Hehehehe... Yah, I still get the urge to boogie, every now and again when I'm able to get the exoskeleton all the way down and into one of the iddy-biddy, runs like a scalded dog, sport model vehicles.

    Sadly, Road Atlanta's track days are limited to events sponsored by SCCA, NASA, or Chump Car events, and Roebling is now just too far to drive for me. So I control the go-fast urges by climbing into the pickemup...

    Forty-five MPH is the harmonically resonant speed in the good ole Chebby Big 10. And nowadays, back roads will take me almost everywhere I need to go. Puts a different perspective on I can't drive 55!

    Now on occasion, I'll still hang out the window and moo at the cattle, which is not advised at 100+ MPH. =8^}
