Ice Cream

I went into the kitchen a while ago, and poking around in the freezer I found a container of ice cream that I didn't know we had.  It's been a rather warm day, so I took it to my wife and asked her if she would like some.  "No," she said, "but you enjoy yourself."

So I stuck the container against her bare shoulder, which caused her to kick and scream until she could get away.  This took a moment as she was trapped against a countertop at the time.  "What?"  I said.  "You told me to enjoy myself.  Can you think of anything I could have done with the ice cream that I would have enjoyed more?"

And do you know, she went red in the face, turned on her heels, and fled running out of the room!

Women.  Who can understand them?


  1. Amen! I have been married for 19 years and I have only managed to go from unknown unknown to known unknown.

  2. DL Sly8:34 PM realize that payback is comin', right? And we all know what payback is....

  3. Still might want to sleep with one eye open tonight, and with your back to a wall.

    Eric Hines

  4. You're doomed. Especially now that you've mentioned this!

  5. Apparently some of you think you understand women very well!

  6. Yep. You have to sleep sometime.

  7. MikeD9:06 AM


    I know you like to live dangerously. Face the bear and all that, but there's poking a sleeping bear, and then there's freezing your wife's bare shoulder. You're either a very brave man, or a very foolish one. ;)

  8. Apparently some of you think you understand women very well!

    I do, in fact, understand my wife very well. I tried a similar prank, and I lived in mortal danger for the next several months. I know how to fight. But she's nasty.

    Eric Hines

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    If something unfortunate happens to our good host, does anyone know where I should send my share of the funds to help keep the blog running?


  10. William4:27 PM

    Oh, It sounds like you understand at least one woman pretty well. Or at least well enough. Never having met the principals in person but judging solely on the way you used the words you chose... I'm sure it works in the opposite direction well enough also, as it should.

    William sends.

  11. My wife is a master at underplaying her reaction- knowing that what we love is the reaction. Like my mother in that regard- lord knows she gets a lot of practice of my Dad trying to get a rise out of her.

    I suppose they both show that they understand us men better than we understand them. Well, sometimes anyway.

  12. By the way, Grim, your wife isn't a dentist by any chance, is she?

  13. No, though her grandmother was.

    So far I seem to have been rewarded rather than punished for my wickedness. I'm beginning to think you are all worried for no reason: it could be she likes the attention. :)

    However, LR1, in the event that I should die, send your money to T99. In the event that I should not die, send it to the Buy Beer for Grim Fund.

  14. DL Sly7:20 PM

    I saw that article, too, T99!!

    And, Grim, I'm sure you're aware of the word least as defined by Frank Herbert in "Dune".

  15. Well, then, we'd better get those donations to the Beer for Grim Fund rolling in quickly -- while I still have time to enjoy them. :)
