Tone Deaf

Let's say that you're outraged by the position of Jesuit universities such as Georgetown with regard to access to birth control.  You'd like to convey the severity of your feelings on the subject to Catholic no-goodsters.

Could you come up with a worse way to try to be impressive than by announcing "a week-long exercise in self-denial"... in the middle of the Lent?


  1. This move on the part of the you must pay for my contraception crowd provides a plethora of Rodney Dangerfield/Henny Youngman like material just begging to be embraced, but I won't take advantage of the opportunity...

    *duct tapes hands together, after opening a sufficient number of beers and finding a straw*

  2. I appreciate your discretion, my friend.

  3. These must be single women. Married men wouldn't notice such a strike.

  4. "I appreciate your discretion, my friend."

    I might be a bitter-n-clingy, Neanderthal of the knuckle-dragging, rednecked curmudgeon variety, but I would never sully a friends establishment, unless I were explicitly invited and encouraged to do so. =;^} Even then, upbringing would most likely prevent the doing of such dirty deeds.

    Besides, I'm in a real good mood. Walkin' Boss is practicing for an Irish music concert to be held this Friday and so the hovel is full of the strains of wonderful music.

    The feelings I have for this fine lady only further distances my ability to understand this sexual hostage nonsense being put on display by these progressive creatures.

    Plus I've still 4 untouched beers and my straw is holding up well.

    However, I must confess that my nose is growing right sore from the typing.

  5. ...unless I were explicitly invited and encouraged...

    Once we get past the current nonsense, so that everyone can enjoy it in good fun, we'll have an official Bawdy Songs day here at the Hall.

    For now, there are plenty of good songs for St. Patrick's Day. :)

  6. Am I likely to be treated like Rush Limbaugh if I point out what we usually call women who withhold sex until their financial demands are met?

  7. Do you mean, will I begin to ignore you? :)

  8. That would be a high price to pay indeed!

    What strikes my funnybone is that women always have had the option to withhold sex until they felt their "reproductive options" had been addressed to their own satisfaction. Most women would be better off if they kept that more in mind. I'm just sorry these particular activists think the only way of addressing their options is to get strangers to finance them.
