Some Go Back

My father was a long-time Captain of the local Volunteer Fire Department.  Thus I know, and have had it impressed upon me since I was quite young, that no one should ever go back into a burning building.  The people who go back in to rescue others, having made it out themselves, almost never survive.

For some things, though, I'd go back too.
Firefighters recovered the body of Chief Warrant Officer Edward Cantrell on the second floor of his North Carolina home, not far from the remains of 6-year-old Isabella and 4-year-old Natalia.
I'm sorry, Chief.  You did all you could.  Angels can do no more.


  1. That is heartbreaking. He wouldn't have wanted to live knowing he didn't do all he could to save them.

  2. William2:21 AM

    The flesh is frail though the spirit is strong. May God smile on you and yours Chief.

    William sends.

  3. Another brave man has been lost as well. Carrol LeFon - a.k.a. Neptunus Lex - died yesterday when his plane crashed. A condolence thread is on his site.

  4. I had heard that rumor yesterday, but it was still unconfirmed when I went to bed. I will put up a formal post about it.

  5. Lex and I have little doubt the CWO are and will continue to be superior examples of the best of men, in perpetuity.

    We do well to celebrate their lives. Following the lead of the fine gentleman from Castle Argghhh in such situations, I think we should dance.

    Then I'm going to return to the barn and drink a Guinness or several with the Good Old Boy and ask him if the world is indeed a wee bit darker.

  6. I'm sick over this one...

  7. I could use some good news for a change, the way things are going lately...
