Fast and Furious

The LA Times reports on its unraveling of the knot:
When the ATF made alleged gun trafficker Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta its primary target in the ill-fated Fast and Furious investigation, it hoped he would lead the agency to two associates who were Mexican drug cartel members. The ATF even questioned and released him knowing that he was wanted by the Drug Enforcement Administration. 
But those two drug lords were secretly serving as informants for the FBI along the Southwest border, newly obtained internal emails show. 
So the ATF arrested someone wanted by DEA, whom they let go because they wanted to use him to get two other guys, who were already working for the FBI?  And along the way they got a Border Patrol Agent killed?

Let's have some appropriate music for our Federal Law Enforcement team!


  1. Yanno, I think we're all bozos on this bus. (Honk.)

  2. Whoever initially christened this administration the Insane Clown Posse was prescient...

  3. "Whoever initially christened this administration the Insane Clown Posse was prescient..."

    Prescient, yes. Of a charitable spirit in making that pronouncement? Indubitably.

    *shakes head, and decides not to hit the <RANT on Federales> button before lunch, instead decides to divert internal thoughts towards a more noble set of insaneiacs* Noble in that their flavor of insanity only endangers their own lives.

  4. Considering the dark and muddled state of our DoJ, this version of Fucik's classic might be more apropos:

    Watch the tracks at the horizon -- you just know there's a train wreck inbound from the other side of the hill...

  5. Bthun:

    That looks like the modern version of this old tradition.


    I think I might like a version for our ATF agents that had something like, I don't know, Homer Simpson singing it.

  6. ...or Krusty singing "Send In The Clown"...

  7. raven3:59 PM

    It is sort of demoralizing to be "ruled" by morons. One can sort of see the sport in combating evil vindictive overlords- but being forced to deal with an ocean of obstinate fools is wearing.

  8. Grim: "That looks like the modern version of this old tradition.

    Same idea indeed. Different standards for the steed, much the same standard for the rider.

  9. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I believe the Feds ginned up a gun warrant to get Randy Weaver to keep them up to date on a guy who was an informant for another agency.
    Whole thing started that way.
    At the end of the hearings, the boys all agreed that more interagency commo would be nice.
