Seen on Memeorandum

H'Wood snubs Muslim Stone:
Sean Stone, son of controversial director Oliver Stone, converted to Islam in Iran last week and says he’s already experiencing a Hollywood backlash.
Muslims stone Christians on Temple Mount:
A mob of some 50 Palestinian Muslims stoned a group of Christian tourists atop Jerusalem's Temple Mount on Sunday morning. Three of the Israeli police officers who acted to protect the Christian group were wounded by the stone-throwers.
There's a kind of subtle difference in the action going on here... I'm not quite sure how to describe it.


  1. ...says he’s already experiencing a Hollywood backlash.

    How, by refusing to post signs at the parties guaranteeing that the nose candy's halal?

  2. William12:04 AM

    Actions, meet consequences. But we should all be understanding and treat any "protected" people like children by not holding them personally accountable for their actions.

    William sends.

  3. But we should all be understanding and treat any "protected" people like children by not holding them personally accountable for their actions.

    But I get to spank them for their miscreancies, anyway.

    Eric Hines

  4. William11:40 PM

    It would be a better world were that true.

    William sends.
