Speaking of Character

...our VP definitely is one.

UPDATE:  Apparently FOXNews decided to change their headline on this one, and the URL changed with it.  The new page questions whether Biden faked an Indian accent, rather than asserting that he did.  I'm leaving the old link up, though, because as Sly says, the 404 page is amusing in itself.


  1. DL Sly2:57 PM

    Well, I gotta admit, that is the best 404 error page I've ever seen.

  2. *in my best southern accent* Good old Joe has not a clue regarding the tax and regulatory reasons causing corporations to offshore jobs.

    I can't help but wonder if those who advise Gaffamatic Joe are not Beavis and Butthead, or Bart Simpson.

    BTW, the link deposits me into a Fox Nation Lost At Sea page with a 404 in the tab. I found what I assume to be the story at http://nation.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/26/did-biden-fake-indian-accent-during-outsourcing-speech

  3. Or what DL said...

    Howdy DL!

  4. Ahhh, never mind...

  5. DL Sly5:06 PM

    Hey, b! It's been so nice to see you more frequently on our common sites.

  6. This time, I can't hammer Biden. My mother used to have a very imitative tongue, and she'd automatically fall into a pretty good imitation of the accent of the person with whom she was speaking. I have to be careful when I talk, because I have the same imitative tongue, but without the skill: I just sound like I'm ridiculing the other's accent.

    Eric Hines

  7. I'm not hammering him. I've always kind of liked Biden; the way he took care of his kids speaks well of him, though he has many of the usual flaws of politicians as well.

    I just find it amusing that he gets away with this stuff. If any of the three Republican candidates did the same thing, they'd be burned alive. Even FOXNews, though, decided to go from 'Biden mocks Indians' to 'Did Biden mock...?' in just a few minutes.

  8. Not suggesting you were. Just that, with so many hammering Biden over so many of his verbal gaffes, including me, on this one I can't join the hammerers.

    Eric Hines

  9. The Office Of The VP could overdub Joe's utterances with James Earl Jones or Barry Whites voice but the content would still merit mockery.

  10. DL Sly9:01 PM

    Oh, I don't know b....somehow I just can't hear James Earl Jones' voice saying, "...the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
    Even if it were Biden's face on the screen.

  11. Foster Brooks face appears in the darkened halls of the VP residence late one evening. Stunned with disbelief, Joe thinks back trying to count the number of martinis he'd had over the course of the evening, just as James Earl Jones voice speaks,
    Search your, urp, sear, sear, search your feelings, Joe, yo, you *know I am your fa, fa, faaaaaaather*... eurrrrp"

  12. DL Sly6:01 PM

    I loved Foster Brooks! He and Harry Morgan had the stereotypical drunk down pat. Of course, Bill Cosby wasn't too shabby as a drunk either.
