It's Probably Wrong To Enjoy This So Much

I've got a friend who really, really hates Tim Tebow.  I've been enjoying watching him foam at the mouth at various points during the season.  He's a huge Broncos fan too, from Denver -- it's really Tebow that he hates, hates, hates.

So, naturally, I just sent him an email.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Great game. Tebow's an awesome rookie. He was on target all day. His yardage; 3:16

    Your friend should take Mike Ditka's advice, winning is in Tebow's DNA.

    The rematch with Brady is going to be something to see.

  2. Oh man, that hurt- I'm a Steelers fan. Too many injuries again (note that the game winning play burned the safety, which was not Ryan Clark, who had to sit because playing at mile high endangers him- sickle cell trait issues), but Tebow continues to remind me of a young Roethlisberger who people kept saying wasn't good enough of a QB for the NFL, but just kept opposing defenses off balance, didn't make big mistakes, and kept winning.

    I'm rooting for Denver through the rest of the playoffs.

  3. I usually root for the Steelers too, but in this game I really wanted Denver to win :p

    Fantastic game - especially the overtime (brief as it was!).

  4. DL Sly8:06 AM

    There is one thing about Tim Tebow that makes irrelevant all of the other criticisms: The man just wants to win. He doesn't care if it means having to throw the ball 10 times or 50. Run the ball for 100 yds or hand it off to someone else -- doesn't matter. In other words: "The Force is strong in this one." In fact, he very much reminds me of a young John Elway, which makes Elway's criticism and lack of faith in him all the more confusing. You'd think he would recognize and be more likely to appreciate such a kindred spirit.

    It was a great game. However, here on the Dark side, MH and BIL bleed black and gold so there will be a short period of all out *bummed*. Fortunately, Oregon won the Rose Bowl, so that'll be a good salve.

  5. Umnnnhhhh....

    The guy's effort and sacrifice pays off.

    But when one is used to watching Aaron Rodgers, it's clear that all that "mechanics" stuff really does matter.

  6. The son in law, being one of those Bama alumni, has a distinct dislike of T.T. too. It's so bad that on occasion, I've had to send him out of the house with a simmer down directive.

    I think I'll glom on to Ditka's view in the piece RCL linked.

  7. Here's another reason to root for Tebow: [Bill] Maher tweeted, "Wow, Jesus just f**ked #TimTebow bad! And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere … Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler "Hey, Buffalo's killing them."

    D29: ...when one is used to watching Aaron Rodgers, it's clear that all that "mechanics" stuff really does matter.

    Umm, both QBs have gone the same distance in this year's playoffs. And one of them has done so with a weak team.

  8. I think mechanics do matter, but so do intangibles like leadership, character, and the ability to inspire.

    Football is very much a mental and emotional game. And ultimately, teams win and lose based not on the technical ability of a single player but on the *team's* ability to work together towards a common goal.

    I never played anything but powderpuff football (which is NOT football). My husband ate and breathed football all through school and he's a huge Tebow fan. Of course, he hates the Steelers, so that's one black mark against him but I still love the man.

  9. Character is fundamental to football, especially in terms of how a team matures and grows into a unit instead of a collection of individuals. It makes a difference in any given game, but it's over the long haul that it can really pull a team together into something special.

    It's early to see if Tebow's character will do that; and his penchant for running may mean that he doesn't have a long haul in which to do it.

    Still, it's hard not to wish him well -- especially since you get to enjoy not only his performance on the field, but the antics of the people who hate him.

  10. E Hines, recall that Green Bay does not have a defensive team this year.

    I'm not dissing Tebow, and I enjoy watching heads explode, too.

    But it's not like the Packers and Rodgers don't have the will to win, (see, e.g., the team's performance with a number of backups vs. Detroit), or lack team spirit.

    Watch Rodgers (who actually worked, hard, on mechanics-improvement since taking over from Favre.) It's night/day between him and Tebow.

  11. ... it's hard not to wish him well -- especially since you get to enjoy not only his performance on the field, but the antics of the people who hate him.

    Wrt that last item, "What is best in life?".

  12. raven4:45 PM

    Karl Marx was wrong- the opiate is not religion, it's pro sports.

  13. "What is best in life?"

    Ah, yes, Conan. That is good!

  14. Thought you'd like that :)

  15. recall that Green Bay does not have a defensive team this year.

    The Pack's points against was in the middle of the conference, and the difference between them and third fewest was 30 points--a safety per game. Looks to me like their defense is adequate.

    But Denver has to get past NE before any of this becomes more than idle speculation. And GB has to get past San Fran/Nawlins (yes, I'm looking past the Giants).

    Eric Hines

  16. Anonymous2:10 AM

    As far as mechanics go, Tebow's shortcomings are greatly exaggerated IMHO. Here's a highlight film from his astounding years at Florida. You might want to mute the sound; it's kind of a techno rendition of The Omen soundtrack.

    The guy's a stud on the ground. He broke Emmitt Smith's Florida record for rushing touchdowns. Of course he broke all the passing records as well. You'll see his passing game is remarkable. If you're old enough it will bring back memories of Steve Spurrier. It's the Sid Gillman / John Madden vertical game that Al Davis loved so much.

    The scary thing for the competition is that the Pittsburgh game was the first time Tebow was really playing like Tim Tebow. Awesome football.

  17. William7:53 AM

    I have to admit some curiosity as to what happened to Tebow's game between college and pros. I can only speculate that he's been listening to his handlers/offensive coaches and not playing his own game.

    William sends.

  18. Miss Cass?

    "I usually root for the Steelers too, but in this game I really wanted Denver to win :p"

    I usually think you're a wonderful, brilliant, lovely woman with excellent taste... but not after that comment. :P


  19. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Disclaimer: I am not a football fan - my family is SEC basketball all the way, and I'm a Packer Backer just because a former employer bled Vikings purple.

    That said, I really appreciate Tebow giving credit to everyone else. He seems to be a gentleman and sportsman, which is a refreshing change given what most football players (NFL and NCAA) seem to get in the newspapers for. And yes, watching people foam, shudder and whimper because he's upfront about his priorities is also entertaining.


  20. I usually think you're a wonderful, brilliant, lovely woman with excellent taste... but not after that comment. :P

    If it's any comfort to you, Mike, I get a lot of abuse around the house about my love for the Steelers.

    I made the mistake of referring to the Steelers QB as "Ben Roethlisp**is", upon which my Espoused One accused me of being a "Roethlisp**is Lover".

  21. Dear Mr. Hines:

    For Green Bay fans, ZERO opposing points is a good defense.

    Yes, the defense is 'adequate'; GB is 15-1 this season. But the DBackfield is suspect, except for Woodson.

    Last year:

    the Green Bay Packers led the NFL with a whopping 30 interceptions, as well as a 54.4 opponent completion percentage,...

    Not so this year.

  22. True story time. I was born on a Saturday. I know this, not because of the date on which I was born, but because of the facts surrounding my birth (and since verified by looking up the date). My mother worked in a hospital just outside of Pittburgh, PA, as did her OB/GYN. As my due date passed and with my mother still working at the hospital, he became more and more nervous as the week went on. For you see, he had tickets to the Steelers game on Sunday and feared my mother would go into labor while he was at the game. So on Friday, he told my mother, "Get your bag, we're inducing in the morning." Sure enough, my mother and his other (also overdue) patient were dutifully induced on Saturday morning so that his schedule would be clear for Sunday.

    So as you can see, I'm very much a Steeler's baby.
