Do I Hear Twenty Percent? Going Once...


  1. From the outside looking in, yeah, I could abide by a 20% reduction in Federales, particularly if it were strategically targeted towards a select few of the ABC agencies.

    Shy of that being a realistic expectation, at least in the short term, I wonder what the average annual attrition rate of the Federal work force might be?

    If the average annual attrition rate is >10%, I would think that even THE ∅ and his comrades in the Congress could support such a reduction over a period of a few years, and do so without fear of major political retribution from those in Uncle Sam's employ.

  2. MikeD9:19 AM

    The problem is, I suspect the massive budgetary hit on the Armed Forces doesn't trouble the current Administration in the slightest.

  3. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Cutting the military is a goal not a sacrifice to the left. This is an accomplishment to Obama and his core supporters.

    They won't be happy until America is number 2. Preferably number 3.
