
Cassandra reminds me in the post below that it's been too long since I did something really wrong.  A man has to sin once in a while, or else he'll get to feeling self-righteous, which is the worse sin than the sin he put off.

So here.  It's for the health of our souls.

You think that's bad?  Try this:


  1. Eric Blair10:37 PM


  2. If I hadn't known the first one was Crazy Train, I don't think I would have recognized it, but I like it!

  3. MikeD9:33 AM

    How is either of those "wrong"? I mean, only if by "wrong" you mean, lacking drum accompaniment, then perhaps.

    Kid's good.

  4. Many years ago Steve Martin had a monologue about the banjo, Mike:

    "Isn't that happy? You just can't sing a depressing song when you're playing the banjo. You can't go-- [grins, plays and sings] 'Oh, murder and death and grief and sorrow!'" I'm always amused when I see people trying to do something like Ozzy on the instrument.

  5. Well that was thoroughly enjoyable...

    " I'm always amused when I see people trying to do something like Ozzy on the instrument."

    Or amalgamate something like gangsta rap/hip-hop, for which I personally have no tolerance, with bluegrass and naturally, a banjo. How some ever, these fellows prove that a little bluegrass goes a long way towards making even gangsta <expletive deleted> tolerable, if not foot stompable*.


  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Well, there's always Metallica on four cellos, or death-metal cello music. (Or maybe that should be death-softwood?) Anyway, the group is called Apocalyptica.


  7. I like the Homer Simpson 'Pride' motivational poster behind the banjo player.

  8. Dateline: 21Jan12 @8:30ish -- Tally is now one win each for Mitt, Rick and now Newt.

    The NY Times posted this exit poll from SC. Interesting exit poll data says I, and that's all I says.

    This is the remaining 2012 primary schedule dates for those who might have a residences in more than one state.
    Vote early, vote often...

  9. Whoops, as they say...

    Thinking my blogger comment window was attached to the An Interesting Day for Republicans topic, I pulled the trigger and posted the above in the wrong thread.

    Oh well, apologies for the crosstalk.

  10. If you really wanted to post something *bad*, you would have dug up something like "Paint It Black" done on the accordion...

  11. Or this --

    Although they're obviously having a lot of fun with it...

  12. BillT, you're twisted. "Paint It Black" on the accordion is now seared into my imagination.

    And now off to watch your YouTube clip. Is this really going to prepare me for communion later this morning?

  13. If you've not left yet, here's one version of "Paint It Black" on the accordion.

    Just so you imagination does not have to strain, and all that... =;^}

    *tips hat with a grin to Mr. Bill for the fractured PSA*

  14. Or your imagination...

    *smacks errant keyboard*

  15. My word. Someone actually did that *and* made a vid?

    And people say *I* have a skewed world-view...

  16. DL Sly1:24 PM

    "And people say *I* have a skewed world-view..."

    Doesn't mean *they* are wrong, yanno....

  17. Good that I didn't go with my first option -- "Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)" on the xylophone...

  18. "Good that I didn't go with my first option -- "Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)" on the xylophone..."

    *falls off the bench with a thud, rubs eyes, looks at empty JD Single Barrel bottle, shakes throbbing head and groans, looks at watch, considers trying to scrape face with sharp instrument while listening to AC/DC's DDDDC on the xylophone or even the more mellow vibraphone, decides to try this instead...*

  19. I've created a monster.

    Or, at least inspired one.

    Let's see you find somebody playing "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" on the ocarina...
