Santa Anno

Here's a fine, brave piece.


  1. I prefer the rendering this man picked. Whether or not you like the art style, he has a good taste in recordings. I have the album that includes this civil war sea song, and I wouldn't mind owning a copy of this English one.

  2. I have that album. Somewhere.

  3. What's with all the anime?

    I still like the Clancy Brothers' recording of it better. What I really liked about it last night, when I first heard it, was the incredible strength of the rolling chorus.

    I realize listening to it again today that the lyrics beyond the first verse are probably the reason I've never heard it before now!

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I've heard both the Weavers and the Kingston Trio versions, and they take it slower, as a capstan shanty (a la "Shenandoah"). And note that shanty verses, like those in other ballads, get swapped around: "Nassau girls ain't got no combs,/ they comb their hair with a whipperback bone" can be found in at least one other song I can think of.


  5. I dunno, I never watch anime, but that particular YouTube contributor has excellent taste in recordings.

    (I like what the Clancy Brothers did with "Haul Away Joe" and "Whiskey Is the Life of Man." They could do chanties for sure. But then, I also like a good "anti-chanty".)

  6. A braw fine piece. I do like Joseph W's version; it's closer to the one I grew up with on a 4-LP set my sister and I played to death: "Folk Songs and Minstrelsy." That version was by the Weavers and was similar to this:
