NYC home site of Ulysses S. Grant

There's nothing particularly noteworthy about posting this, except I thought you might find it interesting in a small way since President Grant did live here (but not in this structure). I happen to love the iron grates on many New York City buildings. This one was - I'm pretty sure - built during the art deco or art nouveux time periods, in the early part of the 20th century. I took these shots while finishing up at a luncheon at the most excellent Lotos Club next store, which will be the subject of another post.

President and Mrs. Grant were fixtures on the New York social scene in their day.

Related to this, if any of you are in the New York City area and do not know your way around, please reach out to me so I can help you to see beyond Times Square. Our great city has many riches, which balance out the many loons (now happily in one area!), and we live together pretty well considering there's 10 million people here. Every street you walk down is a history lesson, which is probably why I live here.


  1. Yes, but who's buried in Grant's Tomb?

  2. douglas5:12 AM

    If I ever get out there, I'd love to take you up on the offer.

  3. Deco for sure, maybe 1935--ish. Very nice, thanks!

  4. Dellababe, you have some good architectural shots.

  5. Sounds good Douglas.
    Thanks, Mark.
