I am sure that everyone reading this has heard about these 'occupy whatever' protests. I saw the one in Philadelphia (for some reason clustered around city hall, instead of say, the stock exchange). And the protesters were the usual middle class socialist brats.

You could not make this stuff up if you tried:

Occupy Philly is on the 15th Street side of City Hall. If you wish to make donations, the food station is on the JFK Boulevard side. They need disposable plates, cups, napkins and cutlery. Food donations of non-perishables like rice, beans and grains are appreciated; also fruit with skins, like apples and oranges. They don’t need any more salad greens at this time.

Salad. Greens.

I can't stop laughing.


  1. And there's this from The Blaze (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/the-53-want-the-99-to-learn-from-their-example/ ):

    "The 53% is a group of responsible young people organizing across the country.... Here’s a statement from their web page"

    So, like, when you’re, like, community organizing for solidarity and stuff, it’s totally cool to have this little hashtaggy thingy when you’re on twitter, so other people, like, totally know what you’re talking about and stuff. So if you’re, like, totally gonna spread the word about being one of the 53% of people who actually, like, pay taxes in America and don’t just, like, hang out protesting stuff all day… like, here’s the hashtaggy thingy. See you at the protest! #iamthe53

    Eric Hines

  2. I wonder how they were fixed for watermelon?

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Salad greens. I, you've got to be, seriously?

    I guess the revolution really will be catered.


  4. Judging from a comment left by an anonymous reader (which violated the comments policy against personal attacks), some people don't get the joke.
