First Photograph of New York, 1848

From a cool new site I just came across, called Retronaut.
Below is the explanation that accompanied this picture.

“This half-plate daguerreotype of a country estate is believed to have been made in Manhattan in October 1848 or earlier. The daguerreotype shows in the foreground what is almost certainly the old Bloomingdale Road, referred to as ‘a continuation of Broadway’ in the city directories of the day. In the deep well of the road, to the left, is a horse-drawn carriage with passengers that has come to a halt for the photographer.”

 - Sothebys

1 comment:

  1. douglas4:57 AM

    If you like retronaut for the old photos, you would most likely enjoy Shorpy as well. Here is but one example of the photos there- a very nicely composed streetcar scene.
