National Offend a Feminist Week 2011

National Offend a Feminist Week 2011

As anyone who's ever had fleeting contact with me probably already knows, I'm a feminist. But this is funny:

If happiness is the problem, feminism is the solution.

Feminism views all women as victims of patriarchal oppression, and any woman who is happy is therefore suffering from “false consciousness.” As soon as a woman becomes enlightened — once she is made aware of her victimhood — she will be miserable and angry. Which is to say, she’ll be a feminist.

Q. How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. That’s not funny.

Feminism is a philosophy of militant misery. The humorlessness of feminists is therefore not accidental. And so feminists must be mocked, and often, and by someone who knows how.

Now run along, sweetheart. And bring me a cup of coffee.

H/t Little Miss Attila.

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