Triumph O'er the Grave

Triumph O'er the Grave

Every year during Lent the liturgy calls for us to omit the usual "Alleluias" from our responses at several points in the service. It takes an effort of will not to add them at their accustomed places; it reminds us of the dark struggle we are commemorating. At last comes Easter. The joy and relief of the returning "Alleluia" at this season is very powerful.

These two triumphant numbers are so well known among Sacred Harpers that no one gets his part mixed up, and half of the singers don't need their books any more. The "Easter Anthem" being a little longer and involved than most Sacred Harp songs, the group in this particular video took the unusual step have having two leaders in the hollow square. (No, we don't sing this kind of music at my church -- I wish!)

Happy Easter to you all.

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