For FbL:

FbL wanted to try the skillet/broiler pizza hack, but didn't want to buy another skillet. While I dispute the premise that one has 'enough' skillets if one does not own at least one cast iron skillet, she wondered if this griddle could work.

I usually use mine for outdoor cooking over open fires, but I thought it could possibly work if you laid it across two burners. Iron is pretty good about equalizing heat. I tried it today, making a small square pizza in the middle of the burner but overlapping with each eye.

The iron equalized heat as well as I'd hoped, so the pizza was evenly crisp on the bottom. There is one disadvantage to this griddle compared to the skillet, which is that it is a lot heavier. When it is super hot, coming back out of the broiler especially, the extra weight increases the risk of burns even through oven mitts.

Still, it worked.

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