Tallulah Gorge:

Below Bridal Veil Falls

In northeast Georgia, the Tallulah river has cut a remarkable gorge into the earth. Cutting through a dome rock formation, it has produced a chasm lined with granite stones worn smooth.

Oceana Falls

The gorge floor is mildly perilous in only a few places, where these smooth stone walls could lead one to tumble a few tens of feet into the river below. The chief danger is in getting wet. All the same, access to the floor is controlled by Georgian DNR Rangers.

February Runoff into the Gorge

You have to cross the river, which makes this an odd choice of hikes for February. The recent warm weather, though, made it perfect.

Tallulah River

The trail is rough, and includes a lot of clambering over boulders. It's a fun hike if you are in the area, and in the mood for something just strenuous enough to get the blood going, but short of real rock climbing.

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