Horse Post

A Horse Post:

RCL writes to complain that we haven't had a good horse post in too long, and he's been saving up for you. You should have said something sooner!

This first video he sends is an extraordinary example of Spanish horsemanship. Look at the collection of this hot-blooded beast, while it plays around with a rider and a lance. (Technically, the pole is called a garrocha.) And on a loose rein!

Another bullfighter. The horse is just playing with that bull. Good collection in the middle sections, but on a tighter rein.

Now, how about an Aussie cowboy?

Hat tip, I am told, to Irreverent Buckaroo.

UPDATE: By the way, did you ever wonder what a bullfight would look like if it were just for play? Behold:

The owner of this bull, and horse, is Jesus Morales -- the rider featured in the first video, above.

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