Mahogany Duck

Mahogany Duck

We're thinking the recipe we remember was something like this one, which uses tea, of all things. We had forgotten the tea part until this reminded us. It turned the duck such a stunning color. It tasted something like Chinese spare ribs.

Another favorite duck recipe in this household, but perhaps not one that's particularly suitable for a Christmas feast, is from my personal hero, Mario Batali, who has never yet let us down with any recipe. This is a Duck Stew Foggia Style with Olives and Fennel Seeds, and a guest remarked that it was "good enough to suck on." Unlike the Mahogany Duck, it's troublesome but not ridiculous.

Now it's noon, and I've fooled around all morning with recipes, after playing hookey from church, when I meant to make this an "all grapefruit, all the time" day in the kitchen. I'm making a grapefruit pie (I know, you don't think it's sounds good, but it's delicious nevertheless) and a batch of candied grapefruit peels, also surprisingly delicious. So I'm off to work. Stop distracting me!

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