Traveling Vietnam Wall

Last weekend I attended a ceremony in Huntington, Long Island for the traveling Vietnam Wall exhibit that is stopping in two hundred cities across the country. Regrettably I did not have my embroidered Soldiers' Angels jean-jacket with me, as I did not know I would be attending until after I had left for my business trip to San Fran. I would have loved for all the Vietnam guys there to have seen a soldier-support group be present (though later in speeches someone recognized that today things are better for soldiers support-wise). The man who sang God Bless America was simply phenominal. Christopher Macchio belted out the song in a way that makes everyone a little misty-eyed.

I was extremely touched by the POW-MIA Remembrance Ceremony, which, if you have never witnessed or heard being read, take a look here.

What an occasion and an honor to be at this event. It was terrible weather, but we all gladly said the Pledge of Allegiance, paid our respects, learned a thing or two (at least I did), and properly recognized our Warriors and their tremendous sacrifice on our behalf.

The event was held at a park named for a NYC Firefighter who died on 9-11.

Someone with whom my Mom went to school (below), Edward L. La Barr, had died and is listed.

We checked her yearbook when we got home.

Here's how you find a name you are looking up (below).
I think this was the hardest moment for me, seeing this book.

Some people posted signs, left beer, or flowers...

John Corr was someone my aunt knew.


We Remember!

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