
A culinary milestone! For some time now I've been wanting to learn to make cheese. I sent off for some basic supplies and cultures, then lost my local connection for raw milk. Finally the stars aligned this week, and we made 30-minute mozzarella, which was every bit as easy as advertised. One gallon of whole raw cow's milk made a little patty of seriously delicious cheese. My attempt to recook the whey and produce ricotta was less successful, and showed me why most recipes now "cheat" and say to use whole milk: nearly a gallon of whey produced about 3 micrograms of solids in ricotta form. So now I have all this whey, which I'll either learn to drink or will feed to the ever-appreciative pups.

I didn't cheat with the picture this time; that's my actual cheese achievement, with basil from the garden.

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