Coming Soon

Coming Soon to a Court Near You:

There's got to be a way to shoehorn this into the 14th Amendment. I mean, they found gay marriage in there, so what's stopping this? It's an 'equal protection' decision too!

A Toronto judge has struck down Canada’s prostitution laws, effectively decriminalizing activities associated with the world’s oldest trade.

“These laws, individually and together, force prostitutes to choose between their liberty interest and their right to security of the person as protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” Justice Susan Himel of Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice said in Tuesday’s landmark decision.
The argument appears to be that criminalizing prostitution means that they are denied the equal protection of Canada's version of OSHA. If only they had licensed bawdy houses, they could have their workplaces inspected and certified too!

These attempts to 'perfect' the principle of equal protection are going to end up destroying it instead. There will come a time when the people will say, "You know what? If it really requires us to abandon every institution and assumption of our society, maybe 'equal protection' isn't so important after all."

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