
The Race Card, from IMAO

Via Little Miss Attila, who has some of the best links I've run into lately, the IMAO site weighs in on the newest concepts in racism.

By the way, IMAO's host is pretty upset about Breitbart's lifting his "race card" graphic (image left), so I want to be sure to give it appropriate credit here. Selected IMAO one-liners to follow:

The White House saw part of the video and thought Sherrod was racist. Then they found out she was a reformed racist and fired her.
Remember that Black Panthers at your polling place are more scared of you than you are of them. Especially if you’re a cracker.
Context matters when charging someone with racism? Weird. When did that happen?
Make your choice on the Sherrod issue, liberals: Do you stand with Andrew Breitbart or Glenn Beck?
A conservative racist will never get credit for reforming. A liberal racist will be assumed to have reformed just by being for higher taxes.
I have to say: It’s quite fascinating what liberal journalists say when they think no one else is listening. Funny. Privately, I tend to express things more sympathetic to the left than I say publicly.

IMAO has a periodic photo-caption contest that looks entertaining. He asks that contestants keep their captions to a reasonable length, with ten as a maximum, and suggesting that the humor content will increase exponentially as the number of words approaches "one."

Also, this brilliant advice on ObamaCare if the Republican take back Congress:

* Repeal Obamacare. Once again, probably can’t do this the normal way without Obama’s vote, but if the Republicans get together and burn every physical copy and delete every soft copy of the Obamacare bill, that will effectively be a repeal since no one will know what the law was to follow it. It was thousands of pages no one read; it will be gone forever.

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