The Red and the Green

The Red and the Green:

So, we've read about the Red Menace. But here's something you haven't seen before.

Skip to 1:00 in.

Now how do you like a Russian, playing a traditional Irish skin drum -- the bodhran -- and better than most Irishmen? That's a man who can throw down on the drum.

But if you'd prefer something more traditional, he's a young Irish lad with a good voice for singing. Surprisingly, he has a bit of talent on the instrument as well.

Actually, the lad has quite a bit of talent -- try this, on a wholly different instrument.

'Well, that's fine, Grim,' you may say. 'So he can play two store-bought instruments. But what if we asked him to build his own mandolin out of trash lying about the house?'

Well, skip to 4:20.

So, a lad with some merit to him. Hopefully he learned to box and fence as well as play; but it's not a bad start, all together.

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