SCOTUS Picks and the Senate:

The negotiations continue, as the President considers his options. The stakes are high:

“The Senate’s reputation is on the line,” said Reid, referring to the need to seat a new justice in time for the fall term.
(Stops laughing and picks self up off the floor, eventually.)

Seriously, though, there are some high stakes involved. Of the nominees, I continue to favor former Georgia Chief Justice Sears, for the reasons described here. I've still heard nothing disqualifying about her, and she does have the good qualities mentioned in the previous post. Assuming nothing truly horrible appears, I would be willing -- for what it's worth -- to write my Senators to urge her confirmation. The Senate's "reputation" aside, it would be good for the country if we could have a relatively easy confirmation process, and a candidate whose view of conservatives embraced the notion that they could be friends in spite of disagreements.

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