Why We Must Eliminate Entitlements

Why We Must Cut or Eliminate Federal Entitlements:

Cassandra has an argument, backed as her arguments often are with charts and numbers, that is worth reading through. She's right, of course; though it's easy for me to say so, since you've heard me talk about the disaster of pensions and entitlements for years. It's been clear for nearly four years that the Federal government did not merit any confidence that it might fix the problem.

My ideas on solutions have changed in those years, though, and particularly now I am certain that a state-led constitutional convention is the right way forward. It is the one thing we can do quickly -- everything else requires two election cycles even to get started on seriously, as we'd need supermajorities in Congress at least. Even then, it is doubtful that Congress would really cut Federal power back to something close to the original vision of the Founders.

The states, however, have every reason to wish to do so. Their budgets are being destroyed by a rampaging Federal political class. They have nothing to lose by rebalancing power away from the Federal government and toward themselves, and indeed, very much to gain by doing so. Furthermore, as the Balanced Budget Amendment got 32 states to sign on to asking for it, and as this crisis will be far worse for state budgets and independence, it ought to be fairly easy to get the 34 states required to call such a convention.

I've said this a few times recently, and I hate to beat long on the same drum. Still, it seems right to me; and if you agree, you might wish to take it up with your state representatives, or any political organizations to which you belong, such as the NRA, or your local Tea Party movement.

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