Sports metaphor

Sports as a Metaphor for Life:

Southern Appeal:

Here’s the New York Times article documenting the president’s pick, the Colts.

(Update: Joe in the combox points out that over a week earlier the President had apparently picked the Saints to win as well. So, ESPN is both wrong and right, and the President predicted both correctly and incorrectly. Just like in Neoplatonism, all apparent contradictions dissipate in the being of the One.)
Dennis the Peasant:
But the classic line in all this nonsense is this:
While he’s been very clear that he supports the House and Senate bills, if Republicans or anyone else has a plan for protecting Americans from insurance company abuses, lowering costs, reducing prescription drug prices for seniors, making coverage more secure, and offering affordable options to those without coverage, he’s anxious to see it and debate the merits of it,” the White House official said.
Both of them? Both of them? How in the world can you support both of them? This is leadership?
Of course it is. The president has always supported the House or the Senate bill, or anything else that could pass.

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