

Looks like fun.

As much as I like a kilt, though, I'm not sure it's all that effective as a political ploy.

One of the things that the media is making a big deal about is that this is a for-profit movement. That shouldn't be considered a negative: it should scare the crap out of the existing political class.

This removes one of the main obstacles to success for conservatives: normally having a full-time job, they can devote very little time to politics. Even though they have money to support such a 'habit,' they can't leave off their job for a year every two years to help contest the face of Congress.

If it proves that you can make a profit fighting for small government, though, a whole lot more people are suddenly free to do that full time.

The scariest thing in the world for the political class ought to be a for-profit movement to reform the government. That means it is a movement that is genuinely sustainable: it won't run out of money, because it's making money.

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