The Passenger

The Passenger:

I was going back through some old archives tonight. A few months ago, Eric posted this video, which has a lot to do with the "vision of beauty" that once defined our nation.

If there is a clear message in it, it is this: There is joy in a life boldly lived; and yet we are all going to pass, and therefore die. God save us!

And, given that, let's ride.

UPDATE: For the ladies, and the brave ones: Cassandra calls.

"Let's see what's mine." What is?

UPDATE: Looking through that video this morning, I realize that the sense of 'we are all going to pass' is something that comes from sitting in a place where all of these things have passed. At the time they made these films, they were meant to be vibrant statements of how to live now.

In some ways, we learn from our place in this late hour. They were right about how to live. We'll be gone someday, as they are now, and should try to leave such a legacy.

76. Cattle die, and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
But a noble name will never die,
If good renown one gets.

77. Cattle die, and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
One thing I know that never dies,
The fame of a dead man's deeds.

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