Of Course (Beta)

Of Course:

Cassandra took the time to run the Futurist's sources for his "Venusian Arts" piece. Here's what she found:

The first thing to note is that 63% of these links go to the same 4 sources: himself, Roissy (a pick up artist site), Spearhead (self described men's issues site that also posts about "Game" or PUA tactics), In Mala Fide (another "game" site). Nor were these the only links to PUA sites: when the rest of those links are added up, they amount to 70% of his sources.
Now, what is a "pickup artist"? We've all known them: they are men who have learned how to make a living by preying on the vulnerabilities of insecure young women.

It appears that some of them have learned how to make a living off insecure young men, too. These "PUA" are selling DVDs to "train" them. And books. And seats at seminars.

They have found a way to convince men who are hurt, or scared they will never find love, to fork over money -- and help build their reputations, which in turn builds their sales figures. The men are desperate enough, or hurt enough, not to notice that someone whose claim to fame is their ability to "play" people will probably be playing them, too.

If I were to meet someone who had been suckered into this line, and who was spending money or raising the reputation of these characters, I would probably say something like this:

"These guys are not teaching you to be a 'Master of the Venusian Arts.' They are turning you into what they would proudly call 'my latest b*tch.' They're living off you every bit as much as you fear a woman would, and they're laughing at you.

"Is that who you wanted to be?"

These so-called artists are skunks. You don't want to be one of them, and you definitely don't want to be their latest conquest.

If what you wanted instead was love, there is no shortcut to it.

If what you wanted was safety, there's none of that to be had in love either. If you've been hurt, you have to risk getting hurt again. I know it's hard. It's hard for soldiers who've been hurt in combat, it's hard for horsemen who take a bad throw, and it's hard in love.

Nevertheless: a man should ride, shoot straight, and speak the truth.

That's the whole point of being a man. A ship is to cross the ocean, and a man is to dare the perils of the world.

If what you wanted was to be was an alpha, that's what one is.

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