Fav. Headline

My Favorite Headline From Today:

'Reid says he "won't dwell" on race-based controversy.'

That's big of you, Senator.

UPDATE: Baldilocks probably has it right. One of the classes that I had in school, actually, was a public speaking class. The main purpose of the class was to teach students how to avoid a Southern accent when engaged in public speaking. It was thought, we were told, to make you sound less intelligent to many people outside the South.

You might say, "$@#* those people," but you might also want a job from them or something. Like if you were running for office, say. Buyers only buy what they want.

Harry Reid was probably speaking more as a strategist than a racist; but that's neither here nor there. What really matters is that he doesn't dwell on it. I think that's the main thing.

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