Animus eorum

This Calls for a Celebration:

Pop the champagne -- or whatever other fine wine or ale you may prefer. We should drink to the good people of Massachusetts, who tonight have struck a fine, resounding blow. So here's my favorite, appropriate song, as performed by the Oni Wytars Ensemble.

Ense Petit Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem!

UPDATE: A good party needs more than one song. Here's one that should celebrate those good Irish folk that I hear can be found up Boston way. Goodness knows they were there when I went up to the town, back in '96.

And whenever the Irish come to mind, I can't help but think of the Clancy Brothers, though they start off here with an old English song:

They make up for it, though. "...I met a fellow rebel, and to me he did say..." Well, a fine song for today!

And here's from my old friend Harry:

For those of you who prefer a touch of whiskey to the fine wine or ale, well, good luck to you:

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So that should make enough of a party on a weeknight. A good showing, my fine Yankee friends.

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