An Amusing Weekend Review

An (Amusing) Weekend Review:

So, what's your favorite story here at the start of the weekend? Is it mockery by the Huffington Post because Scott Brown's wife was once 'suggestive'? That story has a lot going for it, really: "Gail Huff wasn't always so prim and proper." "At the song's climax, she suggestively squeezes a tube of sunscreen...."

'At the climax,' right. So, my question is, isn't this Arianna Huffington's site? You know, she and now-Senator Franken used to be on that show called Strange Bedfellows?

I guess you've forgotten. Anyway, so what? Franken went on to become a Senator, which is meant to be a serious job with serious responsibilities; Huffington went on to become a leading figure in new journalism. Somehow, the fact that they once had a non-serious, 'suggestive' moment hasn't stopped them. (Actually, Franken's whole life has been built on non-serious moments, though he was rarely clever enough to be suggestive; but whatever.)

That story, though, is not the only contender. How about the story from Der Spiegel titled, "The World Bids Farewell To Obama"?

More than that, though, the vote shows just how quickly the political pendulum has swung back to the right following Obama's election. The seat Brown won had been in Democratic hands for all but six years since 1926. Now, its new occupant is a man who not only opposes the health care bill, but also favors waterboarding as a method of interrogation for terrorism suspects and rejects carbon cap-and-trade as a means of limiting carbon emissions.
Remember when Obama was speaking to a giant, adoring festival of Germans in Berlin? And now they're already writing him off. It's almost as if you had an ally that promised to support you with their finest Kommando unit... only to find that those 'elite fighters' never went on a single mission before they went home.

Maybe you picked the wrong horse here, hoss. Next time, try to get supporters who will fight for you.

Of course, if you have some, it might be best not to stab them in the back.
"If Democrats waste this majority, and have nothing to show for it but bailouts of the biggest banks, auto companies and insurers, they deserve to be returned to minority status in the fall.... "--Timothy Egan, New York Times Web site, Jan. 20
Well, yeah, that does seem to be the major accomplishment of the Obama administration so far. I think that my friends on the Left usually call this kind of thing "corporate welfare," and it's pretty much all that the administration and Congress actually accomplished last year.

This year will be different! We're off to a good start with a... er... jobs bill. How will we be spurring the creation of jobs? Well, we, um, probably with tax cuts to corporations... maybe some low-cost loans or subsidies to, er, corporations.... hm.

Meanwhile, the dream lingers on. For a few more minutes, before the delicious aroma of coffee takes over.
I think it's still possible that there's going to be a second thought, a realization that there's nothing but Plan B. And I think it's possible that in concert with this, Dem Reps will be on the receiving end of a wave of dissatisfaction from Dems across the country. But I think it's only a small chance.

And the key reason is because it gets harder every day. And if they can't do it today, why does anyone imagine they'll be able to tomorrow.
Good morning, Josh.

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