Pepper Spray And Bells

Pepper Spray & Bells:

"If people persist in trespassing upon the grizzlies' territory, we must accept the fact that the grizzlies, from time to time, will harvest a few trespassers."

-Edward Abbey

Of course, some people take exception to being the harvest. It pays to come prepared, as long as you keep your head...
A hunter attacked by a grizzly bear two weeks ago in southern Montana also had the misfortune of being shot in the arm by a companion trying to stop the attack.

The incident occurred as Montana wildlife officials have been trying to get the word out to hunters that pepper spray is the most effective deterrent to bear attacks.

It’s also the safest for the bear and the humans involved – as well as the future of bear hunting.
OK, but remember this 2003 post on the subject of how to identify bear scat. It's important to know just what kind of bear lives in the territory you've chosen to trespass.

UPDATE: On reflection, I am reminded of this story.

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