Most Hated Man in America

The New Most Hated Man in America:

Now former President Bush has retired to happy obscurity, even his name only turning up once in a while in administration speeches blaming him for whatever they haven't gotten done yet. Actually, it's not just 'once in a while'; we've been hearing his name from the administration a lot. It's as if they just can't turn loose of the habit. Much like a cribbing horse, the practice tears them up, and yet it feels so good.

Everyone has to move on, and a former member of their party seems eager to help them with that. How else to judge these comments?

This week, Lieberman made headlines by rejecting a plan for a government-run insurance option put forth by Senate Democratic leaders.

His statement to ABC News today that he intends to campaign for GOP candidates in 2010, only added more fuel to the critics' fire.

But Lieberman laughed off the critics' attempts to "psychoanalyze" him.

"I feel relevant," Lieberman said in a conference call with a handful of Connecticut reporters this afternoon.
'I feel relevant' is the kind of line that makes people pull their hair out. Of course, certain people did sell Lieberman out a few years ago, and I suppose he hasn't forgotten.

Most likely he's enjoying this quite a bit.

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