Oceans 13

Oceans 13:

Fareed Zakaria loves serious people.

At the National Review's Web site, a debate -- an entirely serious debate among serious people -- broke out as to whether the speech proved that Obama actually wanted the world's tyrants to win, in the tradition of past intellectuals who admired Mussolini and Hitler. This is the discourse of American conservatism today: Obama is bad because he loves "death panels" and Hitler.

There is a serious case to be made that it's not worth taking the United Nations seriously, that it's an anachronistic institution based on 60-year-old geopolitics and a platform for tyrants and weirdos.
Reminds me of the opening threat in the move Oceans 13.

"So... some guys I take seriously tell me you're a serious guy."

And what happens when you ignore the warnings of the serious guys?

Only this time it's not a casino. It's the wealth of the United States.

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