
I Hate the AP:

Today's headline: "US military to abandon Iraqi cities."


OK, let's review the Surge strategy:

1) Address raging violence in Iraq by getting off the FOBs, and out into combat outposts where you can secure the population.

2) Engage the population in providing its own security through militia ("Sons of Iraq") checkpoints and other solutions that the US will pay for.

3) Train formal, Iraqi government-run police and soldiers as the long-term solution to Iraq's stability.

4) Get Iraq to take over paying the militia forces, so that the GoI is in full control of its internal security.

5) Pull back onto the FOBs into overwatch to give the GoI a little buffer to ensure that it is able to maintain security without an active Coalition presence.

6) Go home, leaving behind a free and secure Iraq.

So really, the proper headline is "US military one step closer to triumphant homecoming." Or, "Surge strategy advances toward victory."

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