
"I Have Voted":

Since I'll be leaving before the election, I took advantage of Georgia's new 'advance voting' policy. I have some remarks on it.

1) I hate electronic voting. It's easy and convenient, but I don't love the fact that there is really no physical record of how I actually voted.

2) I was reminded again this year of how the real election in Georgia is the primary. Almost all the races consisted of one candidate running unopposed. When I was a boy, the Democratic primary was the real election -- nobody believed he could win as a Republican, so everyone ran as a Democrat, and whoever won the Democratic primary ran unopposed in the election.

Now, that's reversed: the word "Democrat" hardly appears on the general election ballot. The three national elections -- President/VP, Senator, Representative -- had Democratic candidates, but I don't think any of the other races did.

It's odd, for the few of us left who hold to the old ways. There were more Libertarians on the general election ballot than Democrats.

3) I voted for Governor Palin. Oh, and the gentleman she's running with.

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