Russians For McCain

Another Supermajority for McCain:

First it was the US military; now, former Marine Doc Russia points us to another group that strongly favors John McCain. Russian immigrants are polling strongly in support of the anticommunist warrior.

Why? Doc says:

Those that have escaped from communism, or it's near-beer equivalent, socialism, have, without exception in my personal experience, understood that electing a man who espouses socialist programs is a socialist, communist, or any degree thereof. In other words, these guys from Poland, Russia, and the like damned sure know who Obama is, and what is likely to impose.
Doc's wife, who is Russian, is apparently on the same page about this.

About the most patriotic American citizen I ever knew was a professor at Georgia State University named Dr. An. ("An means 'peace,'" he would tell students, drawing the character: one woman under one roof. Then he would draw the character again, but this time with three women under one roof. "This character means, 'calamity.'")

Dr. An was Korean -- not "South Korean" or "North Korean," but a man born in Korea when it was under Japanese occupation. He spoke of how the Japanese treated him and his people as a child. He was liberated by the Americans, and then fought alongside the American army against the Communists in the Korean war. Following the war, he emigrated to the United States and became a citizen.

You never met a man with a greater love of this country. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago, because Doc's post makes me wish I could ask him how he felt about the current choices. I think his perspective would have been worthy.

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