Fair Warning

Fair Warning:

Kim du Toit starts a series I look forward to reading through:

So you want to get involved in Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS), but you don’t really want to spend a lot of money on it until you’re sure you’ll like it.

Silly rabbit.

CAS is, after home improvement, the easiest way to empty your bank account.

There are two reasons why this is true. One, you’re going to love it; and two, you’re going to get sucked into the “authenticity” thing. It’s impossible not to. I know a guy who bought a handmade twin-holster buscadero gunbelt which was almost as valuable as the two sixguns it carried—and we haven’t even started looking at accoutrements like clothing.

And here’s the simple reason why everyone who starts this eventually gets hooked: it is the greatest fun you can have without being arrested.
It sure sounds like it.

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